Fresh beginnings.
It's been a long time since I made a post here. In fact I think the last post I made was around my 3 year anniversary of living in Japan, and the post before that my 2 year anniversary... Needless to say, keeping up with this blog was a dud. I've wanted to make an update for a while, but with so many life changes since the last post I was finding it difficult to think where to start. So, I've decided to change this blog up a bit. I've taken down all my old posts - they will be back, but I want to edit them a bit and make them more useful for anyone who may be considering the JET Programme. I'll slowly add them back as I edit and make changes. As for new / future posts, I think I will be posting less about personal 'daily life' and 'life updates', but more about life in Japan in general. Of course this will also show a bit of what I'm up to, but I won't feel as much pressure if I go a month without making a post. I'll pr...